Life is an odyssey, a long and adventurous journey with its erratic yet sustainable enigmas.
I believe that in every journey in my life is meant to be enjoyed despite the fact that it's unpredictable because of its confusing puzzles of situations. I want to have a feeling of pleasure and well-being that ranges from momentary contentment to deep and abiding joy, in other words... happiness. Apparently, everyone has their own hallmark, a distinct character and genuineness such as some live a life with chastity and some live with splurge; some live their life with certainty and some live with uncertainty; some live with perceiving themselves as if they are in the midst of heyday or greatest success and some live with timidity; some live with enthusiasm but some live with lethargy; some live with euphoria and some live with apprehension; and some live with satisfaction and some live with discontentment. Hereby, it shows that in every character there's a counterpart quality from an individual nature as a person. It does really depend on the person perceiving the things that life brought him.
Blatantly, there are profuse opportunities that coming in our way. These might be either a random chance of your personal choice or a fate which maybe inevitable. These are, somehow, confusing and unfathomable to us but, perhaps, there are very good reasons why these things emerge which are far beyond on what we expected to happen. What happens outwardly in our life is so important for us to be able to envision and discover our primary role and purpose in life. Whatever circumstances a person has, he will still tend to recognize and realize why he is encountering such situations. In addition, it is essential that a person must be able to perceive things in a profound way, then put one's faith in their positive aspects and integrate these insights into his life. Basically, God is so great that He gave me a chance to live in this life which is really worth living for. I'm so thankful for the infinite blessings that He is giving me. I'm lucky enough to have my family, friends, professors, and other people who have touched my life and became a part of what I was been, what I am, and what I might be because they are my big inspirations to strive hard in this tiring yet wonderful life.
As my odyssey goes on, I know that there are enormous things waiting ahead of me and I want to be not just a student literally but a student of life with deep understanding and knows how to value and ponder all the things I might encounter. I believe that through my hard work and strong faith in GOD, I could possibly succeed in whatever endeavor I suppose to undertake.
Consequently, life is beyond what we are expecting, it transcends as we go through and God is so good to offer and give such exquisite and wonderful life to us ^_^