Saturday, December 19, 2009


Much excited with 2010 JO:)

*groundbreaking Learning and Development Programs!

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Retention of Employees

Recently read an article that would catch up every organization's interest in ways of retaining their most-valued assets!

It is a burning problem today that most of the employees are leaving the organizations as they like on account of taking up employments elsewhere. Even in some of the cases, the employees are not even informing the organizations about their intention to leave. However, some of them are giving prior notices to leave the organizations and firms as per the norms of the organization and taking better prospects. This will create a great disturbance to the organizations for want of suitable substitutes immediately due to sudden relief of its employees. Organizations and firms are taking up Programmes for recruitment of the employees to fill up the consequential vacancies. Because of the new employees appointed from time to time in the place of the employees left, the organizations suffers a lot to stimulate the new employees for desired objectives and goals. This will affect badly on the HR policies of the Organization/firm. To overtake this problem, major steps have to be undertaken for the retention of the employees in an organization for the better sustainability and cognitive involvement. Some of the factors which definitely cause for retention of employees are embodied below:

Brand Name

Many of the employees consider the brand name of the organization for taking up assignments. Employees feel prestige of the institution as their personal to run with the organization. Working in a famous company or organization, generally makes people to adore with commitment. Dignity of the institution is one of the major factors for attachment of the employees all along without any fear for future. It gives maximum satisfaction to the employees and diversification of their ideas towards the Institutional Development. Employees naturally inclined to generate their future plans and prospects with the existing organization and tend towards their sustainability and regularity in their firm. This will lead to the Employees retention more. Employees may not think to leave the organization because of its brand name and familiarity in the pubic eye and wanted to stay with the Organization for ever not only for the sake of the Company but also for their future prospects.

Wage Policy

The wage policy of the any organization definitely attracts the employees a lot. Many employees look forward for monetary benefits and Social security measures adopted by the organization or firm. Adoption of a regular time scale of pay with proper Efficiency Bars including adoption of Grade Pay System, for various categories of posts existed in an organization from top to bottom is much more importance for the retention of employees. Employees naturally observe the salary structure of each category of post and fringe benefits extended by the organization or company. A systematic wage policy, revision of pay scales in the convenience intervals, provisions for additional allowances, rewards for extra-ordinary work of the employees from time to time, will definitely catch the employees and more retention is possible.

Career Advancement Schemes

Career Advancement Scheme is one of its kinds to introduce for the regular promotions, professional growth and development of an employee in any firm. Every employee expects advancement in his career by way of promotions, grades, and relocation to next higher category or grade for furtherance of his interests. A lucrative policy on Career Advancements of employees is much more than enough for retention of employees in a firm. Automatic Advancement of the Career is also to be thought of by the firms for the benefit of its employees. For every 5/10/15 years of service of an employee, automatically, the employee should be placed in the next higher category or scale of pay or Grade with monetary benefits so that the Employees would be in a greater satisfactory mood to work for the promotion of the Institution/Firm/Concern. If such a systematic policy on promotions and career growth is implemented, employees retention will be reduced and experienced persons will be continued in a firm for its growth.

Social Security Measures

Social Security measures are very much obligatory on the part of any concern to adopt for the welfare of their employees. Employees Welfare Schemes, Health Schemes, Group Insurance Policies, Payments of Bonus, Ex-gratia, Incentives, Awards, will render much security to its employees in the Society, and the employees will not leave any institution if it implemented such social security measures to its employees. Retention is possible greatly if any organization/firm adopts suitable Social Security Measures.

Transparent Recruitment Policy

The Recruitment policy of an organization or Institution must be transparent. It should not be biased on any means. A plain recruitment procedure keeps the Institution at top level among other co-institutions. Talented peoples will be aspired to take placements in such an organization and wanted to retain in the same organization for years together. The prestige of the Institution or organization reflects on account of the transparent recruitment policy. Specific guidelines should be framed to meet the various parameters in the recruitment section. Service Rules inclusive of the regulation of the employees, the method of selection, written tests, Interviews etc., should be broadly defined in the rules.

Judicious Disciplinary Rules

Disciplinary rules should framed in such a way that they should not be in any way contrary to the Law. Every employee must be treated with equal treatment in a justified manner for which a set of rules called “Disciplinary Rules” should be framed and adopted. There should be a classification of category of posts, grades, Controlling authorities duly specified in a clear terms, quantum of punishments right from “Censure” to “ Removal from service” should be specified, and provision for making appeals to the Appellate authorities be included. A detailed procedure for conducting “Inquiries” against the employees committed irregularities, frauds; misappropriations etc. should be categorically prescribed. This will strengthen the employees’ caliber and dedicated employees will be formed in any institution without fear and favour leading to much retention in the concerns.

Conduct Rules

It is also necessary to frame certain Conduct Rules for the interest of the Institution. The conduct rules must specify the attitude, behavior and conduct of each and every employee while discharging their duties. Employees tend to discharge their duties utmost care and devotion. Violation of conduct rules attracts the provisions of the Disciplinary rules. Hence Employees regularity and sincerity will be developed and sustained. This can be termed as one of the causes for retention of employees.

Organizational Culture

There is emphatically need to formulate organizational culture in every organization. The organization must resort to plan where it wants to go before trying to make any changes in the organization culture. The organization must choose for Mission, Vision, and Values to provide a frame work for the assessment and evaluation of the current organizational culture. Organizational culture grows over time. People are comfortable with the current organizational culture. They need strategic changes to suit to the present day needs. People in every workplace talk about organizational culture. They need to expect some sort of convenient organizational culture. Culture is the environment that surrounds us at work all of the time. Culture is a powerful element that shapes our work, enjoyment, relationships and work processes. A congenial Organizational Culture makes people happy and retain for ever. It leads to definitely Employees retention.

Terminal benefits

Providing terminal benefits at the end of the service of an employee will be a added advantage now a days for future secure. Each and every employee must expect some quantum of money at the end of his service to lead a peaceful life after retirement. However there are statutory obligations on the part of the organizations to provide EPF, Gratuity, etc. Apart from that, Organizations must plan for creation of further monetary benefits as a retirement plans for the welfare of its employees. This will give much relief to its employees to retain in any organization till the end of his service. This may also cause for retention of employees.

Theorem Christmas Celebration '09

With the theme of Paskong Pinoy sa Bahay ni Kuya, Theorem celebrated its BIG DAY with Abot Kamay Inc. as final task of Kuya!

It’s been a fun-fun experience to be with their kids. And yes, the spirit of Christmas enveloped the whole event.

Praise God for its success!:)

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