Friday, April 30, 2010

How Depth His Thinking Is

No one can measure the depths of His understanding - Isaiah 40:28

So here I am, sitting in a shopping mall food court.  My body is tense and my stomach knotted.  My to-do list is long and my progress this particular day is disappointing.  Unexpected complications have brought delays and I'm fretting over the deadlines ahead:  a radio show to plan, an article to write, the myriad details of a national project I'm coordinating.

I unwrap my burger, take a bite, and for a few minutes, I am forced to pause.  Busy people rush around me, fretting over their own deadlines.  And I am struck by humanity's infinitude.  We are limited beings--limited in time, energy, ability, and capacity.

And while everything in me wants to write a new to do list--prioritize it in order of importance, asterisk the urgent tasks, and underline those to be done together--another thought enters my mind:
       A thought of One who is infinite (Isaiah 40:25)
       A Being who is unlimited
       A Person who effortlessly melds the desire to do and the ability to  accomplish.

Stress, rush, and strain are never good for one's health, but on this day they deliver a powerful lesson.  The unlimited God is not like me.  He accomplishes everything He wishes.  I finish my burger, pause once more.  And silently worship.
 - Sheridan Voysey, Our Daily Journey
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